Thursday, May 01, 2008

Loving the Least

A few weeks ago, my life changed as I held death in my arms. On a recent missions trip to Haiti, I had the opportunity to choose to love a starving, diseased, dirty, half-naked and dying child by taking him into my arms, (this is not the little boy in the picture). The little boy stretched his arms towards me and I had a choice to make either to love him or pass by him. I wonder if the children who the disciples tried to keep from Jesus were dirty, starving, diseased or dying. Jesus took the children into his arms. When you love the least you are loving Jesus. Who is the most spiritual or mature in the kingdom? According to Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, it is the one who loves the most. Over the last few weeks, I have watched a spontaneous outpouring of love being demonstrated by our congregation as they have given sacrificially to feed children in Haiti. Sounds like a spiritual church doesn't it?