Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Telling Scale

One of my least favorite things to do is to step on the scale. It tells too much info with one simple move from the floor to the scale. One read of the scale delares I ate too much at dinner, exercised too little or snacked one time too many. How I hate the telling scale! Many approach church this way. They feel uncomfortable if God reveals their sin through a sermon, teaching or a spiritual gift. Let's face it - stepping on a scale is not about being comfortable but about being healthy. May the Lord place His body of believers on His scales of justice and holiness. Isa 26:7 - "The way of the just is uprightness; O Most Upright, You weigh the path of the just."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Offended by Truth"

I saw a movie clip a few years ago, (on TV - the language was sanitized from the original movie), starring Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise. In the movie, there is a courtroom scene where Jack yelling at Tom Cruise states that he can't handle the truth. I feel like this scene depicts so many in the church today. Many cannot handle the truth as denial raises its head like the water out of Pilate's basin. Get your hands out of the water basin of denial and receive the truth so you can be set free. Look past the wrapper the truth comes in and allow your heart to be changed rather than offended.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Culture of Peace

The title itself sounds great - "a culture of peace" but often the concept has been missing in the body of Christ. For too long, the Church has had its share of splits, conflicts, disagreements and fights. For the last several years, I have been involved in a ministry that promotes tearing down the walls of conflict within the body of Christ and building bridges of peace. Today, I participated in another training session that encouraged leaders to develop this "culture of peace" within their local areas of ministry. Although, my heart is full from one more opportunity developing "a culture of peace," I still feel overwhelmed by the daunting task of spreading this message in places that are not yet receptive. It seems that pride keeps leaders from acknowledging their need of outside help. May the Lord humble us so we realize that others' gifts can be an asset to our local areas of ministry. May all in the Church take responsibility for their part in conflict. May the Holy Spirit birth a "culture of peace" within the body of Christ!