Friday, February 18, 2011

Wrestling Mania

Today, I read a story about a High School sophomore from Iowa who refused to wrestle a girl wrestler at the State Championship tournament. He claimed that his religious convictions would not let him wrestle a girl. Whether you agree or disagree with him certainly we can say that it is refreshing to hear of a 16 year old that has values that he is willing to back up. What values are you willing to stand up for?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A New Season

Today, I noticed that summer is coming to a close. The leaves falling, preseason football games, colder days and shorter days all point to the new season of fall. Many need to begin a new season of life. Transitioning from one season to another is the ability to move forward. When we get stuck in a season, we may need counseling, coaching or an encounter with God. To stay stuck in a season of life
is like wearing shorts, t-shirts and sandals in the middle of a snow storm. Coldness of heart is the evidence that one is stuck in a season of life.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

North Meets South

Yesterday, north met south once again in a park in Jamaica. Our North American culture collided with Jamaican culture at the end of a children's outreach. We tried to conduct a free giveaway to needy kids and we were mobbed. I am thankful they were motly younger children. One thing that transcends culture is the love of Christ. I am looking forward to a few more days of sharing the love of Jesus with the people of Jamaica.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back to Jamaica

Years ago, there was a commercial that encouraged people to "Come Back to Jamaica." This week realized a 28 year old dream of returning to Bath, Jamaica where Marie and I went on our first mission's trip. The church had dwindled down to an handful of people over the last few years. The leaking roof of the church is so bad that the ceiling has fallen down in several places. Our team of 20 people did so an excellent job loving and ministering to the kids, teens and adults of this town on our opening day of ministry yesterday. Last night, the church was full inside with many people standing outside the doors and windows of the church. The response to altar call in the public school outreach and church service last night was overwelming with 75+ salvations. Today, we will go to another school, more witnessing in the town and then another church service.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Right To Be Heard

In this media driven - technologically connected world we live in, it seems everyone wants the right to be heard. With all the talk shows, 24 hour news, google searches, Facebook and Twitter it seems there is no lack of information but there is a lack of restraint. As believers, we don't have the right to say whatever we want to say. When I would say a bad word when I was a young boy, my Mom would sometimes put a bar of soap in my mouth. May the Holy Spirit of God put a bar of soap in believer's mouths who think they have a right to be heard... Let's be more like Jesus than a Jerry Springer rerun...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blogging vs Facebook

Over the last year, I have been more motivated to use facebook over this blog. I had set some goals to blog more frequently but the connectedness and ease of facebook keeps drawing me back. We are now at the end of the first month of this new year of 2010. How are your goals going for 2010? Are you motivated to accomplish your goals or do you need to rethink them? I exercised 4x this week, (a goal for 2010)....It was time to dust off my exercise machines...Facebook and even this blog is sure easier to update than exercising on those machines...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Preconceived Ideas

Too often, we come into a new adventure with preconceived ideas. We think we know how it should be done. Jesus met this kind of crowd when He visited earth several thousand years ago. Preconceived ideas kept the Jews from recognizing God was present and at work in their midst. Keep your mind open to God doing a new thing that goes beyond your expectations, ideas or past experience!