Monday, March 24, 2008

More than a One Day Holiday

I love Easter Sunday. It is an incredible day to present the gospel. On Sunday morning, at both of our church campuses, many were added to the kingdom of God. I enjoyed becoming Aaron the High Priest as we reenacted the tabernacle. Easter Sunday lunch was delicious although the High Priest probably shouldn't have eaten ham. Last night was an awesome conclusion to the day with the presentation of our original Easter Drama entitled: "One Man, One Cause and One Stone." Everyone did a great job and the message certainly was clear and powerful as the life of David, Jesus and our own street evangelists came to life. There is no time to have an Easter hangover as we have the opportunity to present the drama Tuesday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 26th. Then it is one more Sunday with the Tabernacle teaching and and short missions trip to Haiti next week. The power of the resurrection is more than a one day holiday - it is a way of life. It is a great day to be alive!