Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Destiny of Prayer

The other night, I had the privilege of attending a funeral of a godly pastor's wife. As I sat through the service, my thoughts went back to 20 plus years ago when I moved across the street from the pastor's wife's unsaved son. I thought of all the years she and her husband and others had spent praying for her unsaved son and daughter-in-law and their family. God found a young couple with two young children and sent them to her unsaved family in answer to her prayers. The second Sunday we had services in our new church plant the unsaved daughter-in-law was born again. The son's journey took a lot longer to return home to the Father's house but in time prayer was answered and he was born again also. In the family of God, we are more connected in our destinies than we may realize. Your destiny may be shaped by another person's prayers.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cutting Edge Christianity

Many leaders in the church world are seeking diligently to be culturally relevant and cutting edge to reach the American audience. I have a suggestion that can help leaders and followers in the body of Christ be Biblically relevant and cutting edge to reach any audience. The simple suggestion is extended times of prayer and fasting. When a believer denies himself food to seek after God in new enthusiasm and hunger, God reveals spiritual insight and anointing to that individual that is cutting edge for any culture. Today begins 21 days of prayer and fasting for our local church. This year 3 other churches in our community are joining us for 21 days of prayer and fasting. Don't miss the opportunity to pray and fast corporately and individually this new year of 2008 and experience "Cutting Edge Christianity." Check out this website on thousands who have joined together to fast and pray this month for a spiritual awakening for this nation: